Labour councillors force through planning application to turn the historic Twyford Abbey site into an independent school, felling dozens of ancient tress and increasing congestion, despite opposition from local residents.
Local residents and your Conservative councillors, whilst not opposed to a school at Twyford Abbey believe that the current proposal for an 1150 pupil school is too much for the size of this heritage site.
Cllr Gregory Stafford said: “The new buildings are too large, taking up much Metropolitan Open Land and are obtrusive to the local residents. A more realistic approach to pupil numbers for a private school would reduce the size and numbers of the buildings and make the site more open.”
Cllr Nigel Sumner said: “The current Tree Preservation Order which was introduced in 1972, has been ignored. A large part of the wooded areas will be destroyed for parking and a coach turning area, which is unacceptable. The trees are part of the site’s heritage.”
Cllr Joy Morrissey said: “West Twyford is already congested but the school proposal ignores the First Central Development, the student accommodation on Hanger Lane, and the development at Stonebridge, which all have limited or no parking making the area a parking and driving nightmare!”